The purpose of this guide is to provide resources for groups that wish to view and discuss the DVD in one session. As you plan your event, remember that the DVD runtime is approximately one hour. Depending on the size of your group and the length of your session, you may want to divide the group into smaller units to facilitate discussion.

Basic Session (view DVD and then have a 30-minute discussion)

After viewing the documentary, invite participants to share a phrase, image, or segment of the DVD that resonated with them. If time permits, choose one of the discussion questions below and invite participants to respond to the question.

Intermediate Session (view DVD and then have a 45-minute discussion)

Open the session by reading the following quote from Meinrad Craighead: “Prayer is really sitting in silence, centering the wholeness of your being in whatever situation you find yourself in.” Allow participants to meditate or reflect on the film in silence for 5 minutes.

Invite participants to respond to the following questions:
1. Meinrad’s art is featured throughout the documentary. Which image(s) struck you most deeply and why?
2. Does it change anything for you to think of God as female?
3. If you could ask Meinrad one question, what would it be?

As time permits choose one or more of the discussion questions below and invite participants to respond to those questions.

Extended Session (view DVD and then have a 60-minute discussion)

Provide writing or art materials and invite participants to spend 10 minutes drawing or writing their thoughts in response to the film. Invite participants to share their responses.

Invite participants to respond to the following questions:
1. Meinrad’s art is featured throughout the documentary. Which image(s) struck you most deeply and why?
2. Does it change anything for you to think of God as female?
3. What part of Meinrad’s story did you relate to?
4. Did any part of Meinrad’s journey trouble you or make you uncomfortable?
5. If you could ask Meinrad one question, what would it be?

Read the following quote from Meinrad Craighead: “Prayer is really sitting in silence, centering the wholeness of your being in whatever situation you find yourself in.” Allow 10 minutes for participants to meditate or reflect in silence on the question: How do you find wholeness in the situations of your life? Invite participants to share their answers with the larger group.

As time permits choose one or more of the discussion questions below and invite participants to respond to those questions.

Additional Discussion Questions

1. The documentary introduces the idea of alternative images of God, including the image of the divine mother. What images of God did you hold as a child? How have those images changed throughout your lifetime?
2. Why do you think a limited gender view of God has persisted? How would you respond to Jeanette Stokes’ question: “If we stick to the image of God in human form, what would that look like if it were female?”
3. The themes of feminine relatedness and connectedness recur in the film. How does the community of women in your area support one another?
4. How does the community of women in your area support the idea and/or practice of feminine spirituality? In what kinds of programs, groups, or gatherings would you be interested in participating?
5. In the documentary Meinrad states: “If I didn’t paint, I wouldn’t know where I was in the universe.” Complete this sentence for yourself: If I didn’t ____________, I wouldn’t know where I was in the universe.”

Discussion Guide